When in doubt, pedal out!

When in doubt, pedal out!
It's what I do.

Drink up!

Drink up!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The E.N.D.

I had the chance to engage myself in something quite intense. What it was, is beyond my words, but what I have learned is meant for anyone that wants to read. It's about energy placement. We may not have the luxury of having some choices on occasions, or having to face the unbelievable as we are painted into a corner, but we have the choice where to place our energy. Yeah, that doesn't sound simple at all. I know I know. But what I do know, is that energy delivered, and where its and who its expended is all a matter of our choice. I'm sure everyone has read that we have a choice to be happy or not with our scenarios or situations. I don't think I can agree with that anymore. We can't force how our hearts should feel...how can one be happy when something horrible has happened? With that said, I find myself lifted to another level of that choice bracket. The choice of where to expend your energy, and how we choose to let it empower ourselves and/or others is another game. I'm positive, I know this. I'm positive that sometimes I hit the wall, and don't feel that way anymore or at all times. My choice....where will I put my energy now? And who deserves it? How do I get to a place that is so deserving of this energy? How could I have been so careless to place it somewhere where it wasn't cared for or appreciated? What corner have I allowed myself to be painted into that I'm not forcing myself to hop and make huge leaps over the nasty spill of paint that will most likely stain my new kicks? How did I move past the negative scenarios, the hurt, the unfortunate ripple affect on others? Change the direction of energy. It has to be the only way. What else is there?

The silver lining is that change does happen, whether we want it or not. Its a tug boat pulling every decision we have made or failed to make. I have no regrets but one. I have so many choices right now, and this energy is just now regrouping. Here's to putting it in the right place and hoping the energy never dies. Letting go of some of those decisions will make the lil tug boat move faster and catch up to the place it needs to be. It just needs some energy too.

Feb is tomorrow. Let's get this done right.


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