When in doubt, pedal out!

When in doubt, pedal out!
It's what I do.

Drink up!

Drink up!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

God only knows....

Nothing too much here. But have you ever had one of those days where you just had to lay around? Yeah, I had a great lunch with one of my former student workers who is going to law school. Wow they grow up fast! And the remainder of the day I spent battling a headache. Although I talked to two of my staff members, that also made me smile and even had some Oreos and milk. Lactose for me please :o) I haven't had oreos in 4 ever!! And there is nothing like good conversation with it. Not to mention, I talked to cousin for a bit and chatted about family. AND in between all this, I napped on the couch napped, took medicine and drank oj. Ahhh, what a day, lol.

My headache is like N'SYNC - GONE!!

Well, I head home tomorrow, but not without some shoppin! Christmas is cinco days away and I gotta hit up some stores b4 I head home to Corpus.

Over the break at home, I'll get to learn some new recipes from mom, do some bike riding with dad and chill out with brother. Yeah, I'm down for that. And, I want to get some miles on my running shoes. I've been hitting that new gym campus has and it's more than amazing. So much dang space and lots of equipment. Not to mention a rock climbing wall that shall be conquered. AND a swimming pool! What-What?! Yeah, I've got some personal goals to get after in that area too.

My work outs have not been consistent, but have present. I want to increase my endurance, strengthen my core muscles and work on bone mass. Yeah, I have my work cut out for me....but I'm down for it :o) Work out schedule to come.

Have you ever seen Love Actually? I love how the movie has so many different stories in it and how it ties and overlaps in the end. Love it. I just cheered for the little boy who told the girl he loved her. When your heart is full and you find someone you truly love, tell him/her - there is no stopping the words. Just say it. Get lost in that feeing. :o) Love is all around.

God only knows what I would be with out you.... sing it Beach Boys!


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