When in doubt, pedal out!

When in doubt, pedal out!
It's what I do.

Drink up!

Drink up!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Prayer request.

Sad news. Both of my parents are feeling ill and won't be able to make the trip up this weekend. I think this would be a great chance for me to go home and get some Corpus air and get out of town for a bit. Real sad they are sick, and I really can't afford to get sick, but I might risk it. It's like the table turned and I want to be sure they are healthy and ok. If you could, say a big prayer and or send positive thoughts their way.

On a happier note, my dawg Tanner just turned 4 months this past Wednesday! Right now, he's playing with himself. No, dirties, not like that. He's got one of my old softballs he picks up and throws around to chase then catch. Pretty remarkable little guy. I wonder where he got that from. I just heard him pick up Mr. Bunny and give him a few squeezes, only to return to the softball milliseconds later.

Right now, I'm just feeling thankful. Had a good afternoon and evening filled with some good people, ambitious students and positive conversation. Definitely thankful. Blessings to you.


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