Tell me why? Today a friend tells me - "So, Elisa, I see that you have gone country?" Umm, no. I asked why and she made this determination b/c I was rockin' my light brown boots that will invite me to kick anyone's ass. :) yeah - only if I needed to b/c I'm not the fighting type. I'm more the, "lets talk it out and see where it gets us." Well, she continued to tell me - You look like a country song - someone wrecked your truck, took your girl and shot your dog. My only reply was -since I have neither of the three, looks like I'm doing good. :) Mind you -- well nevermind the rest, but I thought I ended that conversation pretty well.
I'm so not country. Too dang sad for the most part. So much so I have this playlist titled "Country I actually like." Well, ok, there are some songs I favor. AND, I'm so not country that right now and for the past 45 minutes Brad Paisley is singing live in the background. No he is not here, he is in the TV before you women and some boys come running to my doorstep.
I'll tell you what - today was good. I worked on homework. Got up insanely early to knock it out, made a protein shake, worked out a bit and had time to make it to Mr. Gobbles Day. This is an annual Thanksgiving Day event that friends of mine from undergrad get together and celebrate thanks. Yeah, this has been going on for years (it feels like) and today was pretty intense. It was held at my Goddaughter's house and it was a moment. My Goddaughter is a year younger than me if you are perplexed by my last sentence. It amazes me how people can be so distant when they live so close by. It also amazes me that when we get together, how we can pick up where we left off. It also amazes me how sometimes we can become so distant that it feels like we are talking a million miles away and that might be where it stays. Its all such an awakening. But it is what it is. My Goddaughter led us all in prayer, much like her Grandfather did all those Easters when I couldn't go home for the holiday. Intense. Life is about those moments we can share. When we can just look into the eyes of a friend and have that conversation and just know what the other is thinking. Or look across the table to someone and wish you could have those conversations you once shared. Ahh, I miss it. I'll take what I can get. I'll cherish every second.
I stopped comparing my life to others along time ago (mostly), but I can't help but notice where people are in their lives. All in good time is the theme - my theme. When life happens, don't forget to breathe it in and thank the person next to you. They just might need to hears those words you have lingering on your lips that just need to be said.
Thanks. Such an intense word. Say it when you can, mean it when you say it.
But in the end, love thy neighbor. Celebrate those moments. And, tell your friends you love them.
So, to Mr Gobbles Day (if I would have made it earlier, I would have tried to free the turkey) and to all those that were able to make it- Thanks! I love ya. We've been through a lot and without a doubt I'd stand next to you in the craziest of storms all over again. Thank you God for being in our lives. Seriously, thank you.
I just thought, I'm so not country that I will two step my way through a dance floor b4 you can get your hands on a cold one. :) I like me some boots. Random and tired and a recovering from being a little teary eyed.
thank you.
no no, thank you.
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