When in doubt, pedal out!

When in doubt, pedal out!
It's what I do.

Drink up!

Drink up!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Run your race....boom!

Nothing beats the feeling finishing something you started. Recently and not to mention one of the most incredible events I have finished thus far happened two weeks ago. I can't let anymore time pass without saying, but finishing a half marathon was incredible. :)

The most I have ever ran up until that day was only 6.2 miles. The race (which I consider a me vs me event) was a slightly more than doublt that distance. I admit, I was nervous, not about the event, but how my body would react to running such a distance. My friend and Half Marathon Mate kept each other going with positivity fuel and engined our way through Austin. I'm impressed in how the mind was a major piston in this run. The body will always tire out, but the mind will never become defeated unless you want to stop.....and quit.

Every step after the 10k/6.2 mile mark was one step further than I have ever conquered in my life. I am blessed. Not just to finish, but to be a female in this part of the world to freely be active in this type of sports. There are women elsewhere who just want the opportunity to run, swim and just play in team sports to fully express themselves. I feel that I not only kept running for my health, but I ran for the females across the globe who secretly want to run and play like this.

We finished the race in 3hrs and 3 min...32 seconds. :) Any one person can finish this race IF they wanted to run. I'm proof of this. The hardest part of the run was not the 11 hills we faced, or the weight on the legs....but getting to the starting line. Anyone can finish, but all one needs to do is get to the start.


Right now I'm preparing for job interviews and getting to the start of a new job and possible a new place to live. I don't know what life has for me and Tanner beyond May 14th, but I pray to remain calm and jog in the right direction. God willing I will be placed in the job where he needs me the most. I just hope they allow Tanner too. If not, I'll have to find a new place. Love that dog.

Some things to keep in mind.... be calm, be patient, be prepared and just run your race. And, get ahead too.


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